Don't know if you noticed, but...
Your name is on a lot of quotes in this book.
Us crazy humans wrote it, you should take a look;
and all the people that you made in your image,
still believing that junk is true...
well I know it ain't, and so do you... Dear God.
~ Sarah McLachlan
Over the past week or so I've been involved in some discussions regarding the issue of homosexuality and the repeal of Don't ask, Don't Tell. This is a topic that that gets my blood boiling not only for personal reasons but simply because it seems ridiculous to me that it is an issue at all.
Regarding DADT-- some people seem to think that this is an issue of sex and being "appropriate" (or what they deem appropriate) in the workplace. The thing is, it has nothing to do with sex. A heterosexual man can show off a picture of his wife or girlfriend without fear of being discharged... can a gay woman do the same? At certain military functions hetero men and women are able to bring husband's/wives/bf's/gf's... would a gay man or woman be able to do the same? As far as personal sex lives, contrary to what some people think, most gay men and women do not show up to their workplaces and brag about their conquests over the weekend or their sex lives with their partners. But even if that did happen every once in a while I know that there is plenty of that going on with the hetero crowd. The appropriate thing would have been to never pass such ludicrous legislation in the first place. This isn't just an issue of people being discharged because their sexual orientation is "leaked". People shouldn't have to hide who they are AT ALL. It really makes me angry that a whole portion of the population is being denied basic human rights. That in itself is wrong. But combined with the fact that these people are willing to lay their lives on the line because they believe they are fighting for our rights as American citizens-- rights that THEY are being DENIED-- is no less than appalling! It's hypocritical and frankly, downright disgusting.
I have also been discussing religion vs. spirituality and how they play a role in the issue of homophobia as a whole. I would just like to point out that I believe there is a God, but I feel that the God I believe in does not condone hatred in ANY form, nor does he/she condemn love in ANY form. On the flip side, I DON'T believe in the bible... it was so clearly written by men attempting to fulfill their own personal agenda's. And those that say it is the "written word of God" are sadly indoctrinated. I know in my soul and through faith that there is a higher power regardless of what different cultures choose to call it. I feel that this higher power is what makes love, hope, compassion and everything good in this world possible. And to all of you hate-filled bible thumpers out there gearing up to pray for my soul, please save your energy because I don't need praying for, but I will certainly be praying for YOU.
I'm Catholic, but I agree with everything you've expressed here.
I'm a Spiritual Christian and I am all for EVERY word you said in this one. And you of course know my stance, of course! (=
ETW and Melissa, thank you! I'm glad that you agree with me and I wish more people did... not that I think I'm ALWAYS right... just most of the time. ;o)
Great stuff, Julie. What is sad (but makes me laugh a bit) is that homophobic men actually think they are vulnerable to advances by homosexual men. That's funny to me, because a lot of these homophobes are ugly as hell. Personally, I'm not homophobic, and I welcome homosexual men to check out my tight ass.
Hahaha good for you Brian! :o)
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