Saturday, May 1, 2010

I is an Edumacated Gradgiate...

Well, I did it.  I am an official college graduate (again).  I now have my Masters of Science in Administration.  It has been a long haul but I have finally reached the finish line.  Whoo Hoo!  Haven't been on in a while because I've been writing term papers galore but now that I NEVER HAVE TO WRITE ANOTHER FREAKIN' TERM PAPER AGAIN, I should be back to ranting more often.  Even though there is no one to rant to... :o)

In other news, check this out.


Scott said...

Congratulations! That is quite the achievement, you should be very proud.

DollDuffer said...

Thank you Scott... I am VERY proud and oh so happy to be D.U.N. done!