Is it just me or is Martin Bashir really annoying? Or maybe pompous ass would be a better word? I usually don't watch Nightline but I was on the phone with K and didn't switch the channel when the local news was over. He was reporting a story on that wacko group "Insane Clown Posse". Not really my thing, but he was basically saying that their music was causing young people to murder and rape people. Granted, their music is sick and twisted and definitely not therapeutic to a nut job, but if someone is going to act out the things they see/read/hear about in a music video, video game, horror movie or horror story, you better believe they're already psychotic. I mean really, I've listened to some pretty horrifying music, watched some pretty bloody movies, and read plenty of Stephen king novels growing up. The difference is, I'm not crazy enough to act out any of the things described in said media. Bashir just seemed so so condescending and self-righteous; made me want to reach through the TV and box his ears like a nun whose habit is too tight. At one point the clown guys said something like "Are there people out there out of the millions that have bought our records who have murdered people? Well sure". To which Bashir replied "So you admit that people who have killed listen to your music." Really? Come on. I'm sure Simon & Garfunkel had fans that murdered people too. Hell, stick me in a room for an hour and make me listen to Celine Dion and I may just kill someone myself. Of course, the clown guys looked like a couple of morons but that's beside the point. Sidebar: Liger's really do exist... who knew?!
Speaking of TV.... I was thinking earlier today that I feel kind of bad for reality stars. I mean, I know they put themselves in these crazy situations but they are human beings too. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in their heads and how they feel when they are ripped apart in the media. It was actually the story about that Bachelor couple that got married on TV last night. I know, I know, ridiculous as it was and I know they got a free wedding out of the deal and all but man that guy got ripped apart for dumping the chic he picked for the other one. I mean, I read somewhere that he would be walking down the street and people would yell at him and tell him he was a piece of shit. God. I cry when someone gets even a little bit mad at me (not in front of anyone of course :o)), I don't know what I'd do if people yelled at me when I was just walking down the street. I don't know, just something that crossed my mind today when I was supposed to be working at work.
OK I'm gonna admit it now. I am an American Idol fan. I try to hide it but I can't keep it in the closet anymore. Really though, some of those kids on there have more talent in their little finger than most of the silly little teen queens on the radio nowadays. And definitely more talent than Brittany Spears. Ugh. I really like Siobhan, Crystal, Didi, Lilly, Big Mike, Casey and some other guy but I can't remember his name right now. And Ellen being on there now is just an added perk. I LOVE Ellen. :o)
OK, so that'll about do it for inane TV drivel. Sweet dreams nobody (see, because I have no followers. Get it? Oh nevermind....).
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