Monday, March 15, 2010

To Whore, Or Not To Whore.... What Was The Question?

I'm wondering if I should start whoring myself out to get some followers... I just feel so weird commenting on someone's blog saying "Add me please (or whatever you call it on here), I'm pathetic and I have no friends/followers (gotta get used to these new terms! ;o))".  Plus, I also feel like the new kid on the block at a neighborhood party trying to join the other kids playing hide and seek and being ignored.  If I jump into a conversation on someone's blog who has had an established group of followers for a while, is everyone gonna think "Who is this chic and what the hell is she doing in our little group?"  Ah well, I'm probably gonna bite the bullet and jump into some conversations.... eventually.


JP said...

The main key to getting commentors is just to comment on other people's blogs.

Make a comment, check out other people's blogs who commented and comment on theirs, etc etc etc...

DollDuffer said...

OK JP... did you just read this entry because it had the word whore in it? ;o) (just kidding...)

I am heading out to spend the day (mostly) in my pool but I will definitely check your blog out and comment on some of the peoples' blogs I've been following. Thank you for the advice!